Capital One Auto Finance created a new digital product to
streamline and direct the process of auto financing. Designed to help their
customers make the best decisions when it comes to auto-financing, this product
would allow for consumers to configure loans using an online estimation tool.
This tool was going to play a large role in Capital One’s Auto Finance offering
moving forward, and Brandsymbol was trusted to develop a verbal Brand identity
that would propel the product towards success.
Brandsymbol clearly understood the significance of this
offering for Capital One Auto Finance’s customers and knew the brand needed to
inspire clarity, confidence, and control while ensuring that it would be
clearly differentiated from competitors ’ products in the same space. To
accomplish these objectives, Brandsymbol worked closely with Capital One Auto
Finance to generate an array of names for the new tool that clearly describe
two specific product features: 1) The estimation tool the customer uses to
assess the monthly payment and APR, and; 2) The offer confirmation the customer
takes with them.
Auto Navigator stood out as the brand that would clearly,
consistently, and compellingly present the new tool to consumers. Speaking to
the basic premise of the auto financing offering with ‘auto, ’ it was combined
with ‘navigator ’ in order to portray its success as an instrument of ease for
the customer. Auto Navigator benefits from being constructed from current usage
words (i.e., dictionary words) in that it quickly and efficiently confirms that
they will be effortlessly guided through the process by the tool itself.