Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of Siemens AG – a
global powerhouse focusing on the areas of electrification, automation, and
digitalization – engaged Brandsymbol, an already established partner with
Siemens Healthcare, to develop a Verbal Brand Identity for their new,
innovative sketching app. This app required a name that would leverage the
foundational and historic significance of the Siemens brand in order to reach
professional engineers and designers, while still maintaining an approachable
identity that could extend to hobbyists and the general public.
Brandsymbol delivered the Verbal Brand Identity Catchbook; a
hybrid neologism that captures the new app’s technology, which allows users to
accurately sketch and share ideas, while successfully speaking to both the
expert and the amateur. The Catchbook identity’s ability to align with
terminology that immediately associates it with an established platform, while
combining the concept of “capturing” imagery with the app, is a brand that will
consistently and effectively communicate with both of these desired audiences.
Catchbook has become a defining term for accurate digital
drawings produced by professionals and hobbyists alike. Its omnipresence on
phones, tablets, and desktops, along with its cross-platform support that makes
drawings easy to share, have all been led by the clear, consistent, and
compelling Verbal Brand identity.